Integral Awareness Meditation
Integral Therapy
Integral Psychology

Eugene Pustoshkin
Online sessions | Workshops
Eugene Pustoshkin
Eugene Pustoshkin is a clinical psychologist, an alumnus of St. Petersburg University's Faculty of Psychology.

Eugene has been translating and interpreting Ken Wilber's books and works by other authors on Integral Meta-Theory and Practice, Adult Development Theory and Transpersonal Psychology for more than a decade.

He is a co-developer and teacher of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM). He co-teaches long-term in-person and online courses in Integral Psychology & Meta-Theory with Tatyana Parfenova.

He is a chief editor and co-founder of Eros & Kosmos, an Integral and transpersonal online magazine/journal. For many years he has been a bureau chief & associate editor of Integral Leadership Review [now Transdisciplinary Leadership Review].

Eugene acts as an advisor on consciousness research for profi (ex-awarenow) (USA), a wellbeing-on-demand platform.

Eugene maintains private psychological, counselling and consulting practice, and offers individual sessions by Skype to clients from around the world.

Contact email:
Eugene Pustoshkin is a major representative and promoter of Integral Meta-Theory in Russia. He has a superb understanding of this radically new approach, and he has worked endlessly to get it accepted and spread in Russia (and elsewhere). He has particularly helped by translating many of my works into Russian, and has done a brilliant job with this task. I'm deeply grateful to the work he has done to help promote and spread Integral Meta-Theory, and I can certainly recommend highly any projects that he is associated with.
Кен Уилбер
Ken Wilber
Philosopher, founder of Integral Theory and Practice, author of "A Brief History of Everything", "Integral Spirituality", "The Integral Vision", and "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality" (and numerous other books)
  • Ken Wilber
    Philosopher, founder of Integral Theory and Practice, author of "A Brief History of Everything", "Integral Spirituality", "The Integral Vision", and "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality" (and numerous other books)
    Eugene Pustoshkin is a major representative and promoter of Integral Meta-Theory in Russia. He has a superb understanding of this radically new approach, and he has worked endlessly to get it accepted and spread in Russia (and elsewhere). He has particularly helped by translating many of my works into Russian, and has done a brilliant job with this task. I'm deeply grateful to the work he has done to help promote and spread Integral Meta-Theory, and I can certainly recommend highly any projects that he is associated with.
Integral Awareness Meditation
Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM; also often presented as "Integral Meditation" for brevity and in continuation with the Integral lineage) is an integrative approach to mindfulness practice and cultivating meditative states which combines powerful insights offered by various paradigms such as

— Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology & Spirituality¹,
— various integrative approaches,
— as well as various contemplative & psychological traditions (Indo-Tibetan lineages, nondual Tantric and Taoistic energy practices, and mindful presence practices coming from Western psychology and psychotherapy—including transpersonal psychologies and studies of altered states)
— and developmental models (Susanne Cook-Greuter's ego development, Robert Kegan's orders of consciousness, Clare Graves' values systems, etc.).
¹ Integral Psychology and Integral Spirituality are theoretical and methodological approaches developed by Denver-based Integral thinker Ken Wilber. He developed a metaparadigmatic approach called Integral AQAL Framework which helps in cultivating what is called Integral Vision of the world, in which the best of premodern, modern and postmodern truths are integrated in an overarching Integral view.

An essential component of Integral Spirituality is its postmetaphysical stance. The myth of the given—the idea that eternal things are just lying there waiting to be discovered (as opposed to understanding that our consciousness is actually co-enacting phenomena, even in most advanced contemplative experiences)—is abandoned, and a more up-to-date evolutionary and (meta)constructivist perspective on all phenomena is adopted.

This sets up a solid theoretical and methodological foundation for our holistic transformative practices.
Spacious Awareness vs. Narrow Attention in Integral Awareness Meditation
Eugene Pustoshkin & Tatyana Parfenova

Often contemplative practice, meditation, and mindfulness practices are associated with focused, concentrated attention. Concentration (e.g., on breathing) tends to be conceived as a gateway even to mindfulness. (Mindfulness is usually defined as non-judgmental awareness of everything that is arising moment to moment.) There are, however, contemplative practices that stress not concentration as narrowing down of attention towards exclusive staying with a single figure/object but deconcentration and a sort of decentering as gradual or rapid widening of attention in order to gain access to spacious awareness (openness to the entire field which evenly encompasses both foreground and background). In Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) concentration is always practiced in conjunction with—and on the basis of—deconcentration, with the latter being a primary mode of bringing forth open wide-awake consciousness state that allows accessing different layers of awareness even in novice practitioners. Altered states of meditative consciousness can be easily enacted and developed this way, and energy field resonances manifest as operands at more advanced state-stages of IAM.

This text is a slightly modified abstract that described the Integral Awareness Meditation experiential workshop presented at the online Integral European Conference 2021
Integral Awareness Meditation at
Conscious Evolution Summit 2020
How I can support you in your growth
I can help you in developing a profound connection with your deeper heartfelt presence and psychologically optimistic embodiment, growing into your fuller human potential.

It is done by utilizing extraordinary states of consciousness and peak experiences, spontaneously available to you as well as any human being, if only one learns a proper way to interact with one's own awareness and its flowing processes.

For this we will be implementing a special psychopractical system of Integral Awareness Meditation combined with Integral Psychology, a unique meta-method that synthesizes understanding of many schools of Western and Eastern psychology.

If necessary, this learning can be done implicitly, through interesting dialogue and dialogical meditations.

My work is developmentally informed by various schools of psychotherapy, adult (vertical) developmental psychology, as well as by various wisdom traditions and systems.
How we can work together
You can invite me to your city to facilitate a workshop in Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) and/or Integral Psychology on such topics as:

• Integral Awareness Process, an integral meta-paradigm of practical psychology, communication, and self-transformation that sees whole life as a meditation process;
• a practical and existential use of AQAL Integral Framework for your personal and interpersonal transformation;
• transpersonal & existential investigation of the potentials of your deeper self-awareness;
• integral shadow work, including a very special form of 3-2-1-0-process;
• vertical development through stages and horizontal development through states of consciousness—including the processes of "growing up," "waking up," "cleaning up," and "showing up";
• etc.

We also can have a one-on-one Skype/Zoom session, using an integral feeling-awareness to explore the hidden potentials of your lifebody—and explore any of those topics and beyond.
Integral Awareness Meditation session with Eugene
A 15-min Integral Meditation session

An example of a short session in Integral Meditation (a basic introductory level of the system) offered for AwareNow—a wellbeing on-demand platform
A 20-min Integral mindfulness-based therapy session

An example of a short Integral Awareness session for a psychological issue offered for AwareNow—a wellbeing on-demand platform
Integral Meditation Session
Presentation at The Science of Consciousness Online Conference (September 14, 2020) organized by The University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies
Further Reading
Articles by Eugene Pustoshkin that describe essential aspects
of the Integral approaches:
• “Integral Meditation as a Method of Inducing Altered States of Consciousness in Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Daily Functioning"; co-author: Tatyana Parfenova (The Science of Consciousness Online Conference, September 14, 2020)—abstract and video.
• “Integral Meditation" (awarenow wiki, 2019)
• “Integral Psychology" (awarenow wiki, 2019)
• “Integral Psychotherapy" (awarenow wiki, 2019)
• “AQAL" (awarenow wiki, 2019)

Workshop Descriptions

• “Integral Meditation for Waking Up & Growing Up" (European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS-2018) Conference, St. Petersburg, September 19–23, 2018)
Eugene Pustoshkin's blog in English
Online & offline workshops on Integral Meditation, Integral Psychology, and Integral Metatheory are available on request.
1 session 55 min
Individual Skype/Zoom session

5 sessions (prepaid)
$100 per session ($500)
Individual Skype/Zoom session
Feel free to write me
Pаrtners & Friendly Initiatives
+7 (981) 132-07-98
+7 (981) 132-07-98